© APEX 360 SYSTEMS, LLC|P: 800.396.2480 | F: 937.716.2190

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What O&P Professionals Are Saying

"I was having some problems balancing my clinical practice and the business side of things was suffering. I needed help developing and implementing a Strategic Plan. I chose Scott Schall's APEX 100 Professional Management System because I had been working with him on and off over the last several years with great success. He helped me develop a Strategic Plan through engaging discussions and consulting. He helped me get management "buy-in" so it didn't seem so daunting to my staff when I said "there are going to be some changes around here." The hands on approach Scott implemented, whether it was through video conferencing, in-person meetings or via email/telephone, made me feel at ease and confident in his abilities. My experience with him has been nothing but positive for me and my staff. I would recommend the APEX 100 program to any O&P practice owner that wants to get control of their practice and improved clinical flow, employee satisfaction and financial freedom."

Trevor Townsend, President & Co-Owner
Valley Institute of Prosthetics & Orthotics 

Bakersfield, CA

"I have known Scott Schall professionally for over 15 years and have enjoyed an
exchange of ideas with him. He is insightful into the many issues that independent O&P providers must overcome in order to grow."

Bill Sampson, CP
President, Sampson's P & O Laboratory
Schenectady, New York


“As the reimbursement environment continues to evolve, comprehensive documentation is key to survival, particularly for the independent practice.  The Apex 360 Systems’ OPIE (B) Form Population toolkit is not only thorough, it is also an effective time saver to allow the practitioner to ensure complete documentation without wasting valuable clinical time.  In addition to the beta forms, our practice has recently instituted the use of Apex’s L-Code Justification Templates that are substantiated through the use of research- based justifications.  These have served as crucial elements to having claims resolved, particularly at the ALJ level.  As a field, we must be able to justify our practices through the use of peer-reviewed well documented research, which is now possible with the creation of the COMPLIANCE packages from Apex 360 Systems.”

Gordon Stevens
Baker Orthotics & Prosthetics

Fort Worth, TX